About us

The success story of Stöckli’s household products dates back to 1874.
Stöckli’s success story with household products started in 1874. Master craftsman Alfred Stöckli and two companions manufacture the first Stöckli items in a workshop in Uznach:
oil lamps, rechauds, ashtrays and metal lids for pans. In time, the small enterprise develops into a steadily growing company. This was the birth of Stöckli’s household products, of which the cooking and serving dishes will become particularly well-known.
Decor items under the name “Stöckli Kupfer” (Stöckli copper) are added to the company’s range of products and in 1969 the first portion Raclette oven is invented and launched on the market.
Later on, the Raclette boom gets another boost with the PizzaGrill function – another Stöckli innovation.
Our philosophy
Preserving seasonal delicacies is a piece of cake with dörrex, as fresh food such as fruit and vegetables are easily dehydrated to perfection. With free temperature control and active warm-air circulation, the gentle and even dehydration always gets the best results.